Orders & Payments

  • I did not receive a confirmation email. Has it been processed?

    If you place an order on our website and you are missing your order confirmation email:

    Check Spam or Junk Folder: Look in your spam, promotion or junk mail folder for the confirmation email. 
    Mark it as "Not Spam" if found.

    Wait a Few Minutes: Sometimes, there might be a slight delay. Give it a few minutes and refresh your inbox.

    Contact Customer Support: If the email isn't in your spam folder or you've waited and still haven't received it, contact our customer support team. We can verify your order and provide confirmation details.

    Provide Order Information: When contacting us, be ready to share your name, email, and any other relevant order details.

    Check Email Address: Confirm that the email address associated with your order is correct to avoid typos or errors.

    Resend Confirmation: Customer support can resend your confirmation if needed.

  • Can I cancel or modify an order after it has been placed?

    Absolutely, we understand that plans can change. However, it will depend on the processing stage of your order and we may not be able to accommodate your request.
    Here's what you need to know about canceling your order:

    1. Free Cancellation Before Fulfillment: You can change or cancel your order at no cost anytime
      before it's processed for shipping. 

    2. Contact Us: To modify or cancel an order, please reach out to us via phone or Live Chat at the
      bottom of your screen to get immediate assistance. 
      Provide the following information:

      • Your order number
      • Product(s) you wish to cancel or add
      • Reason for cancellation

    3. Agent Assistance: If your request meets the criteria, our agent will modify your order free of
      charge. Refund processes will automatically initiate upon cancellation.

    4. Cancellation Guarantee: While we strive to accommodate all requests, we can't guarantee
      cancellation if your order has been fulfilled. In such cases, the order will be treated as a return, and applicable fees will align with our Return & Refund policy.

    We're here to make your experience smooth, so feel free to get in touch with us if you need to adjust
    your order.

  • Can you process an order for me?

    We're delighted to assist you in any way we can.

    To process your order, we kindly ask for the following information:

    1. Full Name:
    2. Shipping Address:
    3. Billing Address:
    4. Phone Number:
    5. Products you wish to purchase:

    You can provide this information either via email or over the phone, whichever is more convenient for you.

    However, for security reasons, we are unable to accept payments over the phone. But don't worry! We'll send you a secure invoice via email once we have all the necessary details.

  • What payment options do you accept?

    We accept Visa, Mastercard, Amex, Discover, PayPal, Union pay, JCB,  Dinners Club and also installments with Affirm!


    *If your payment method was declined, you may have entered your information incorrectly or there may be other issues with the card such as a passed expiration date or insufficient funds. Please try a new payment method and contact your financial institution for more information regarding the decline or if you continue to experience difficulties with your payment.

  • Does the equipment come pre-assembled?

    Our units come partly assembled. Most of them require a 10-20 minute additional assembly!

    If you ever need help please reach out to us directly by email at hello@movewithascend.com or by phone at 1-855-905-3486.

  • How can I pay in multiple installments?

    We use Affirm for instalment payments. The interest rate and approval is based on the individual customer and is calculated based on specific Affirm characteristics.

    Using the Affirm option can be tricky. Let us walk you through the checkout process so that you can use Affirm - Pay over time!

    • Checkout once your shopping is complete
    • In the Information tab enter all your information If prompted to input a code received by phone or email, do not enter and click out
    • Click "Continue to shipping"
    • Choose shipping method
    • Click "Continue to payment"
    • Choose your payment option (This is where you can choose Affirm)
    • You will be redirected to the Affirm page to create an account
    • You will then be able to enter your information on Affirm's website
    • If you qualify and if your payment goes through, you will then be brought back to our store where you can see your order information.

    Let us know if you need further help with your checkout process!

  • Can I use promotional codes during my purchase online?

    Yes, you can. If you have one, enter the promotional code in the “Discount code or gift card” section at the first step of payment. Please note that certain conditions apply. Contact us at hello@movewithascend.com for more information.


    *Please note that only one code can be used per order

  • How can I receive a purchase receipt?

    Once your order is confirmed, you can contact us directly by email, chat or phone and we will happily send you the formal receipt.


