We understand the importance of receiving your order at a time that suits your schedule. However, we we cannot guarantee specific delivery dates or times.
This is because we rely on shipping carriers to efficiently handle and expedite the delivery of packages and carriers do not provide services that allow for such specific scheduling.
Nevertheless, we've got you covered! You can easily track the transit of your order online to stay informed about the expected delivery time. Once your order is on its way, you'll receive tracking information, offering real-time updates on its journey to your doorstep.
For any specific inquiries related to delivery or if you have special considerations, we recommend reaching out directly to the carrier handling your shipment. They will be best equipped to provide detailed information and address any concerns you may have.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we work to ensure a smooth and reliable delivery process for your order. If you have further questions or need assistance, feel free to contact our dedicated customer service team!
Once the order is shipped and in the carriers' hands, we do not control the delays, as well as the delivery time. If you have any requests regarding those, please take them up directly with the carrier's customer service. The above delivery times are only estimates given by the shipping carriers. Different factors that are out of our control might prolong the estimated shipping time; such as strikes, pandemics or periods of high traffic (Black Friday, Holidays, Boxing Day, etc.).
Once the order has left our warehouse, we will assist our clients to our best ability to ensure they receive their items in a timely manner, however, we have no control over the deadlines and cannot be held responsible for any delays.
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