Returns & Exchange

  • Can I return an item if I don't like it?

    Yes, absolutely! We understand that preferences can vary, and sometimes an item might not meet your expectations. 

    If you decide that you don't like an item, you are welcome to initiate a return. Please follow our standard return process, ensuring that the return request is made within 30 days of the delivery date. The item should be in its original condition and packaging for the return to be accepted.

    Please note that all returns are subject to our general return policy, including any applicable restocking fees. To initiate a return for an item you don't like, contact us through Live Chat at the bottom of your screen or email us at with the following information : 

    • Your order number
    • The product you want to return
    • The reason for the return

    For more information regarding return procedures, refer to our article on "How do I initiate a return?" or consult our Return and Refund policy here :

    We believe in making the return process as convenient as possible while ensuring that you are satisfied with your overall shopping experience. If you have any further questions or need assistance, our customer service team is here to help.

  • How can I initiate a return?


    Timeline for Return Request: Make sure to submit your return request within 30 days of receiving your order. Requests made after this period shall not be accepted.

    Condition of Returned Items: Products must be in their original condition and accompanied by the
    original packaging. Please note that return requests without the original packaging will be refused.

    Responsibility for Repackaging and Shipping: You are fully responsible for repackaging and shipping all items back to us in their original packaging.

    Prepaid Return Label: Upon initiating a return, a prepaid return label will be provided at a discounted
    rate. It's important to note that return labels are only valid for fourteen (14) days from the date of issue
    via email.

    Initial shipping Fee (If applicable): The initial shipping cost is non-refundable and will be deducted
    from the total refund amount we issue to you.

    Restocking Fee: All returns are subject to a restocking fee equal to ten percent (10%) of the total value of the product(s) returned.

    Condition of Items and Restocking Fee: Failure to return items in their original condition and packaging may result in a restocking fee ranging from ten percent (10%) to thirty percent (30%). The specific fee will be determined at the discretion of the receiving agent.

    Exclusions: Free products are not eligible for returns in exchange for refunds or any other form of

    Initiating a Return: To initiate a return, please reach out to us through Live Chat at the bottom of your
    screen or email us at Include the following information in your message:

    • Your order number
    • Product you wish to cancel/return
    • Reason you wish to cancel/return

    If you have any further questions or need assistance, our customer service team is here to help!

  • How do I initiate a warranty claim?

    If you would like to initiate a warranty claim, we will ask that you send us an email with the following information:

    • Full name
    • Order number
    • The issue you are facing
    • Any photos or videos of the issue.

    From here we can move forward with finding a solution for you!

  • How long will it take to process my refund?

    Once your returned items reach our warehouse, we allow a maximum of 10 business days for inspection and processing. During this time, our team carefully examines the items to ensure they meet our return criteria.

    After inspection, we'll promptly process your refund. It's important to note that refunds are issued via the original payment method you used for the purchase.

    The timeframe for the refund to reflect in your account may vary depending on your banking institution, typically ranging from 5 to 10 business days. Please keep an eye on your statements during this period.